Make #&%*#$) lemonade, right???? Well, after having an amazing first leg of our vacation in Palm Springs, Paul and I were really getting psyched for French Polynesia when we got a dreaded airline call.....a Hurricane/Tropical Cyclone bearing toward Bora Bora our ultimate destination....the worst storm since 1980....flight cancelled, panic setting get the idea. Flash forward about 28 hours, after many, many hours on the phone and our original plans are was not meant to be....we have now picked ourselves up from a very DARK place (can you say mental melt down on my part and dragging Paul down with me) and are now in Hollywood at the Roosevelt Hotel prepping for a great dinner TBD....tomorrow we will head to Santiago, Chile ..stay tuned as the adventure unfolds!!!
Ahh man, are you kidding me!!! What a drag!!! Make the most of your time in Hollywood!