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Friday, January 9, 2009

The Whirlwind That Was 2008: A Year In Pictures

As we launch full speed ahead into 2009, we are still asking ourselves how 2008 flew by so fast... much of it seems like a complete blur...

We both feel like work dominated much of this past year, and while we are so very thankful for the stability of our jobs given the economic environment across the country we have both made New Year's resolutions to try to find a bit more life balance this year!

Despite a frenetic pace pretty much all year long, as we reflect on the past 12 months we realize that we were able to have some fun along the way and have much, much to be thankful for!

A few highlights include our escape from the frozen tundra in February to visit beautiful Cabo San Lucas, Mexico where we enjoyed fun, sun, some fabulous food and of course, margaritas. In February Becky also enjoyed a "ladies night out" at a very fun Fashion Fight Night event--a fun, unique way to spice up a very COLD winter weekend!

In April we celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary with a nice dinner out-on-the town and took Spenser and Abbie, our nephew and niece, to the Junior League's first annual Bunny Brunch. What a great time to see all of the kiddos dressed in their Easter attire. Over Memorial weekend, my sister, Katie, and I surprised mom with a secret 60th Birthday trip to Asheville, NC and had a great time visiting the Biltmore Estate, hiking, eating great food and doing a little shopping!

Summer time brought "princess" Abbie's 5th birthday and some 4th of July fun at the Brown Cabin at Goodner Lake, Ace's 10th birthday, Spenser's baseball debut, and opportunities to hanging out with friends.

In September I was fortunate enough to head to Philly to visit my dear friend Swati for her baby shower (Baby Sonya is a doll and was born happy and healthy on my birthday, November 19th!!!) and Paul took Spenser to a Vikings Game!!

In November, we celebrated Paul's big 4-0 with family and friends at Pop!! a favorite restaurant before heading out for our two week adventure to Peru. We look forward to creating many more memories in 2009!

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A Little Bit About Me.

In an effort to stay better connected with friends and family near and far I have decided to begin this blog to share the happenings and highlights which make up the days of our lives...I hope you enjoy!