After a horrific time getting both Paul and I to Kansas City to meet up for the last 2 hour drive to Columbia, we finally made it in just in time for our traditional greasy cheeseburgers and chips with my family at Columbia's finest--Booches Pool Hall--on the night of the 23rd. It is simply the best and has been a mainstay in my hometown's downtown shopping/dining district for many years!!! We started this family tradition after Paul and his groomsman discovered Booches during our wedding weekend (if truth be told I think they were in their stuffing their faces and having beers until about 10 minutes before the ceremony), and now that it is thankfully smoke free it has become a family tradition each Christmas!!
Columbia was wet, snowy and cold these year compared to the last few Christmas visits which were very warm, but seeing as how it is like -10 outside right now, I feel sort of silly even mentioning that the 25 degree weather we had was COLD!
Seems like it was ages ago that you guys were here but it is still cold and snowy so I know it is still winter. I know you can't wait for vacation that you so deserve. Love MOM